Day 8 – Closets are dark and scary

Before I start, I’m sitting on a street corner in my truck getting internet access from the coffee shop across the street, because I forgot my headphones again and because frankly I need music to stand the 8 hour wait that is my fiance’s work time. Since I drive her to work, and the commute is an hour, I can’t simply go home or do any normal daily activities that would be done. She’ll get her car and her license soooooon but the Department of Licensing here, and the Motor Vehicle Administration in Maryland don’t seem to agree on what documents are required nor are they helpful in telling us what other documents will be needed down the line, so here we are. Me in my truck, her car still at the dealership even though we’ve given them a deposit already.

Sorry that was longer than it was supposed to be. My only point was that I probably look like a creep sitting in my truck with my computer…

Day 8: Closets

I think today is an appropriate day to talk about closets and the scary things that happen when we stay in the closet or when we’re forced into the closet. Yesterday they were supposed to bring up the vote to end the ridiculously discriminatory Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy. Actually, they were supposed to bring up the whole damn Defense Authorization Bill… but they voted against even bringing it to the floor. The closets people are forced into in order to simply serve their country and keep their job is scary. I’d like to join the Coast Guard. I want to save lives. I think I’d be pretty good at it. But I will not be forced into hiding who I am, I will not put my fiance through the pain of not knowing if I’m dead or alive because they wouldn’t notify her first. I won’t force her, or my family into a closet. This country loses probably millions of dollars training soldiers and then kicking them out just because they fall somewhere into that LGBTQI alphabet soup. It’s disgusting.

I’ll just end my rant on what closets do with a quote from Harvey Milk.

“If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door.” Harvey Milk

In other words, it’s time to come out from that scary closet. It’s dark and lonely in there, and out here we have a community, outside of the closet we have a family. The more people know people from our community, know out and proud people, the less they fear us. It’s that simple.

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Filed under 30 Day Meme, Politics is Personal

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